Walking Pet Balloons

Wandering around Crufts Mum spied these My Own Pet Balloons earlier this year and I reckon they will be a hit! I think all children who really want a pet should be challenged with one of these critters first, if they can keep it 'alive' for a minimum of 2 weeks then they are showing their parents that they are on the right path to being a responsible pet owner. If not then hey ho it's just a balloon!

I can see these balloons being pretty popular with adults as well as children, but I don't think they will last long in a cat household somehow. My instincts tell me that cats like our Dexter will manage a whole minute before pouncing and killing the defenceless balloon (sometimes cats really do spoil the fun!). 

All I need to do it send my idea off to a load of parenting sites and then source the balloons over here, take it from a wise old pooch any kids Birthday party now these cute balloons will be making an appearance.... now does anyone know where they are being sold?


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