Getting Back On Track - (When you drop off the learning wagon and heave yourself back on again!)

 So we're back in lockdown... again, it's cold and rainy... again, the motivation has dwindled (me) and the patience is wearing a little thin (kids), the last week has been a reset week. We dropped pretty much everything and just followed our interests. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose kids choose that to be spending a big chunk of time on Minecraft, followed by some game making on Code Sparks, followed by some cartoon watching (although I'm frequently finding myself sniggering along to Teen Titans, or singing the theme to Spirit, or just full on joining them on the sofa for the Lego Jurassic Legend of Isla Nublar!) 

Anyway in summary it amounted to a lot of time in front of a screen. The trampoline sat sadly in the garden unused and wet, and don't get me started on their play area where the sandpit has flooded due to the lid being left off, and the slide that has been on its side for so long that I'll probably have to dig it out of the bark chippings. Safe to say demeanours weren't the best and you know how *that* attitude starts to sneak in, well we needed to give ourselves a good shake and grab some inspiration.

So this week I've been back on it, thinking up exciting advent ideas to look forward to, then researching Christmas printable quests (no luck so far so if anyone knows of any good ones then please throw it my way!) We did a great Halloween one from Questime which kept them busy for a good hour, so something along these lines is my goal. I may have to make one myself if I can't dig one up.

Part of a number quiz I made earlier in the year

I now have a pad full of advent ideas, a hidden cache of advent treats and a mere 2 weeks to get it all organised complete with treasure hunt style searches and quizzes. 

There's nothing like a challenge and the thought of two excited little faces to really boost the motivation. 

The kids have had a few classes they've participated in via Outschool which I'd highly recommend; Lego challenges, Minecraft maths and Minecraft build challenges, these have taken some pressure off  me and given them some much needed peer interaction. 

Ultimately what I've learned these last few weeks is that:

  • It's ok to just throw everything out the window when everyone's feeling the stresses
  • A week of screen isn't going to ruin everything
  • Having some exciting ideas that you look forward to planning does a world of wonder for the motivation (also hot chocolate....)
  • Outschool is a great resource for outsourcing some of the strains of educating your kids and the classes aren't that expensive
  • Lulls will happen, that's life you can't be constantly riding a wave, so just relax with it and you'll get back up there!!! 
And if in doubt just sew up some cosy fleecy* wearable blankets then snuggle up on the sofa in them with a loaded hot chocolate watching Netflix's Lego Jurassic World Legend of Isla Nublar and just enjoy not having to always be on it! 

Posing with the Do It Better Yourself Blaise Wearable Blanket Pattern in lovely soft reversible fleece from Empress Mills

*Disclaimer I don't actually advise sewing up fleece if you're in a place of little patience, trying to sew this stuff is guaranteed to make you want to smash your sewing machine/overlocker and throw a complete strop!


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